And at the church I had the following thoughts:
I confess to almighty God and to you my brethren, that I have sinned exceedingly by thought, word, deed and omission, because every morning, noon, evening, I prayed badly, and I just prayed every morning, noon and night that I may cycle with Zoli only, I cursed several times a day when I couldn’t see Zoli, or when he wasn’t with me, I swore on lies just that he be with me, all the tools I used so he has only me, I have only him, I deliberately looked for the path to sin, I didn’t go to the Holy Mass, because I was cycling with Zoli then too, I cycled during every Holy Mass. But I’m lying, because I did go to church too, but then, also, only Zoli was on my mind, I couldn’t think of anything else, just Zoli, Zoli the Turk, and our cycling trips; I made jokes of sacred things, I was bad at church, even there I didn’t adore God, but Zoli, I lied to my husband too, I didn’t obey him, I didn’t help him, I answered back to him because he didn’t let me be with Zoli, I escaped, I escaped to him, I tricked everyone, I argued, I mocked, I tempted Zoli to sin too, because I wanted him to be a pig with me, because I wanted him to whisper dirty words in my ear, because I wanted him to touch my cunt, and meanwhile I didn’t take care of anything, not even my health, I just wanted Zoli shamelessly, I looked at him shamelessly, I spoke about Zoli shamelessly, I played with Zoli shamelessly; and I stole for him, I cheated for him, I caused harm for him, I stole from others for him, my duty was only Zoli, Zoli the Turk, I didn’t pay attention to anything else, I lied and lied and lied, and I fornicated and fornicated and fornicated, I fornicated often, and I was always selfish, because I constantly wanted Zoli only for myself, only for myself, always, constantly, all the time, from morning to morning, from evening to evening, and I was greedy, I was envious, and I wanted only Zoli. But yet I am heartily sorry for all my sins, and I firmly resolve to strive only for good.
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