Today your servant visited me. The one you call Safet, I think. He said that I need to know that you love me, and that not for all the world would you leave me. But I also need to know that we can never be together anymore. Not in this life of ours, at least. He said that your guards had shut you away from me, and that they don’t allow us to meet, he doesn’t know exactly where you are now either, because you are protected in several ways so that you won’t escape to me. They think I am dangerous for you, he also said that. And also that even though you have all the treasures of the world, you can’t be with me. I held my head and just kept silent. I felt my tears starting to fall in streams, but only inside my face, I didn’t show anything outside. Safet, if that's how he is called, also said that I need to know that all you care about is my security. And that I am everything to you. But now I must escape. He said that I also needed to know that I can never go back to where I came from. Because the guards will find me there too, and they won’t hesitate in whether to leave me my life or not, I can be sure about that. He gave me money, clothes and a pistol, and then through a secret door led me into the street. He told me to go, and that if I wanted to do good for myself, never to look back.
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